Prayers for the Intercession of Saints

Blessed Monaldo of Koper, Slovenia
O Jesus, our Redeemer and Savior, You who enriched the soul of Your faithful servant Bl. Monaldo with the treasures of Your grace and Who deigned to seal his religious virtues with the gift of miracles, hear the prayer we address to You, confident of his intercession.
Increase our faith, hope and charity because we love You above all things and our neighbor for Your sake. Protect particularly his devotees who venerate him in his native city of Koper and in all places where they are scattered; preserve in them the Christian virtues they inherited from their fathers. Grant also the graces we need. We ask You, O Savior Divine, and we confidently look forward to the merits and the intercession of Your faithful servant Bl. Monaldo. Amen.
St. John of God
St. John of God, patron of the handicapped and compassionate father of all those who suffer or are in distress, I confidently turn to you in my time of need. I pray thee to intercede for me with Jesus Whom you followed so faithfully in His healing apostolate.
Knowing only Jesus can provide the true answer to my call for help and confident in His promise that if I but ask, it will be give unto me, I now invoke your intercession in pleading for my intentions.
All glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. John of God, pray for me.
St. Auxentius of Bithynia
O dweller of the wilderness and angel in the body! You were a wonder-worker, O our God-bearing Father Auxentius! In asceticism you found your paradise and mastered your body’s passions, O holy Auxentius. You grew stronger in the faith and blossomed as a flower in the midst of the garden.
You received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil, and prayer, healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith. Glory to Him who gave you strength! Glory to Him who granted you a crown! Glory to Him who through you grants healing to all!
St. Vitus and Agricola
Bless You and thank You, Father for the gift of martyrdom of our brothers Agricola and Vitus. Their fruitful blood did sprout for You the Church of Bologna, and in the fraternal solidarity between servant and master, You have given us a shining example of how humanity has been reconciled to You through the love of Christ. Through the example of their solidarity and their intercession, grant that we may likewise be courageous witnesses of the Faith, living stones of Your Church, and agents of communion and peace. We ask this of You, Father, in the Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen.
Prayer for the beatification of Lodovico Coccapani
Lord, Holy Father, you willed that Louis Coccapani be an apostle of charity, generously spending his entire life in service to the neediest of our brothers. Teach us to follow his example and give with joy, bperché è solo donando che si riceveecause it is only in giving that we receive and in loving that we have the love that comes from Your infinite goodness. In our difficult times, let Your servant, a candidate for the glory of the altars, continue to stand for us as an example of a hard-working and courageous faith. Let Your glory be manifested in him as a faithful instrument for the gospel. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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